We are available
Mon-Fri 9:00 - 17:00
Mon and public holidays - we are closed.
Business address
Puhkekodu tee 61-4, 12015 Tallinn

At the address we serve customers only at previously agreed times.
E-shop dispatch point
Suur-Sõjamäe 35b, 11415 Tallinn, Estonia

Goods are released from the warehouse only at a previously agreed time.

Our team

Our team members are committed to delivering the best results. Everyone has decades of experience and is a professional in their field.

Jelena Ivanova
Member of the Board
Project Manager
Jevgeni Makarov
Member of the Board
Project Manager
Jevgeni Zukov
Кunstnik/ Кujundaja
Romek Nõmmiste
home automation